Brochure| NRX AssetHub for Cleansing EAM Master Data

Is your EAM master data complete and accurate? Are you confident that the data in your EAM system contains all of the information required to successfully maintain your equipment? Does all of your critical equipment have the correct and complete maintenance plans? Is all of your equipment installed in the asset hierarchy in your EAM system?

If you are like most asset-intensive companies, probably not. In fact, you probably have no real way of knowing what the state of your data really is and/or how to repair inadequacies. 

We can help.

NRX AssetHub provides asset-intensive companies with a powerful data-cleansing solution that quickly and easily identifies the gaps and inaccuracies in their data, provides the tools necessary for repair and allows for easy deployment back into their EAM systems. It also reports on non-compliances and operational integrity issues so that adjustments can be made. Our customers rely on our solution to highlight asset and maintenance data inadequacies, easily visualize, edit and repair content, and redeploy the critical data needed to maintain and operate their assets effectively and efficiently. 



Perfect Data Makes Perfect Sense.

We help get your EAM data right. 



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Our Customers Have The Best Stories




Why Shell is rolling out our solutions globally



How Chevron ensures maintenance personnel have all the information they need



Why Lycopodium selected our solutions to build and deliver maintenance data for a large mining project



How AEP uses our solutions to significantly improve maintenance productivity